Do you love the outdoors?
Our camp is an exciting wilderness adventure!
Nestled on the shores of Zeden and Ispuchaw Lakes in Narrow Hills Provincial Park, Saskatchewan, St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp operates primarily as a summer camp for youth ages eight through seventeen. The focus at camp is having fun, learning and living in the outdoors. Our core experience is the out-trip, where campers have the opportunity to experience rustic wilderness travel and camping. Through these experiences, campers make lifelong friends and develop a new appreciation for God and nature.
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp is an invitation to people to live, learn and share with each other in the natural environment that God has provided us with and to develop a greater awareness and responsibility towards it. Through this medium, campers are encouraged to grow physically, mentally and spiritually, realizing God in all aspects of life.
We are people experiencing people in God’s nature!
Reasons to Join Us this Summer
Canoeing, swimming, Naturelore, orienteering, discovery, sports, group intiatives and hebertism, archery, and wilderness crafts form the core of the in-camp activities. Campers use nature’s classroom with lots of hands-on activities to explore and learn.
Discover Nature
MoreSwimming and Canoeing
Water Activities
MoreArchery and Hebertism
Sports & Games
MoreNaturelore & Discovery
Naturelore is a program designed to give campers hands-on experience in the natural environment. It is a chance to get to know how you fit into and what role you play in nature. You will become aware of the weather, plants, animals, and how you share this world with them.
Discovery is a program designed to instill in the camper a stronger appreciation of community and to learn more about themselves. Here campers do activities and share feelings that help to make new friends and to feel comfortable in their new environment. The Discovery leader is also responsible for leading evening liturgies where everyone can reflect on the day.
Wilderness Crafts
Explore your creative side through the use of natural materials. You will be guided, but your projects are limited only by your imagination.

Water Activities
Our wilderness camp is situated in an ideal location to learn to canoe and enjoy what the water has to offer! At our Canoe Beach, under the watchful eye of certified lifeguards and instructors, you will be introduced to the fun and enjoyment of canoeing! You will be shown how to paddle a canoe, how to paddle a submerged boat, and how to play it safe on the water. We’ve even been known to throw a beach party and have canoe wars!
The Swim Beach is always a lively hub of activity. A daily swim after canteen is a great way to have fun and cool off!
Sports & Games
A focus on fun rather than winning helps campers to bond with their group and develop leadership skills. On the second last day of camp, the infamous Bosco Games and Bosco Relay are held. The entire camp participates in this fun opportunity to demonstrate the skills learned during the last 10 days!
St. John Bosco Camp has its very own archery course where, under close supervision, you will be shown the skill of archery! During the first couple of days, you will learn how to string and handle a bow, and the rules of the archery range. You will then shoot at targets and compete with friends!
Group Initiatives and Hebertism
Group initiatives are fun games stressing group dynamics, challenging the camper to work cooperatively with the other members of the group and develop their leadership and problem-solving skills. Hebertism takes these teambuilding skills further with the use of a low-ropes course.
Orienteering is the art of map and compass reading. After learning basic theory and practicing leap-frogging, bee-lining, and map and compass navigation, you will use these new skills on your overnight hike to find your way to your wilderness home.

Office Address
The camp office can be reached year round:
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp
PO Box 3002
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 3S9
Phone/Fax Toll Free: 1-844-SJBOSCO
Please direct comments regarding the website to
Summer Address
SJBWC can be contacted directly during the summer months only:
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp
PO Box 217
Smeaton, SK
S0J 2J0
Phone: 1-306-426-2227
Camp Manager: Karen Babcock