- St. John Bosco Camp Alumni Association -
Welcome Alumni!

If you have a connection with Bosco and wish to remain in touch, we invite you to fill in our online Alumni and Friends Survey. This will help us understand our community better and keep up to date contact information. If you are a Facebook user, you can also request to join our Bosco Alumni Facebook group.
To get in touch with our Alumni Committee directly, please email alumni@johnboscocamp.com.
Celebrating 60 Years
The Bosco Alumni Association hosted an enormously successful 60th anniversary celebration the weekend of August 3rd to 5th, 2018. The weekend consisted of planned meals and activities, as well as free time for socializing and making use of camp’s amenities. This included canoeing, archery, hebertism and more. Mass was celebrated on the Sunday afternoon of the reunion.
On the morning of the pancake breakfast, meal preparations were disrupted by a power outage. In spite of the difficult working conditions, dedicated volunteers pushed forward and managed to serve breakfast. The board is happy to report that proceeds from the reunion and subsequent donations made by generous reunion attendees allowed camp to purchase a permanent backup generator in May 2019. The generator has since been installed and is fully functional when camp loses power.
The 60th reunion celebration also highlighted the need for improvements to the camp kitchen and mess hall, which has been camp’s primary gathering place to eat, sing, talk, laugh and pray for as long as camp has been operating. In response to these concerns, the alumni committee is kicking off the Bosco Dining Hall Campaign during Summer 2019 to raise money for a new kitchen and dining hall. The campaign is ambitious, but the goal is to have funds in place for construction in the mid 2020s and for the new facility to be operational soon thereafter. For more information on the Bosco Kitchen Campaign, please visit the campaign webpage.
The Alumni Association together with the Board of Directors would like to extend a huge thank you to all the volunteers, staff and board members involved with making the 60th reunion weekend such a large success.