Bosco Needs Your Help!
Did you know that camper fees cover only 50% of the actual cost of sending a child to camp?
The rest of the cost is covered through grants and fundraising, and the Board of Directors works very hard throughout the year to fill this gap. However, in these economic times, everyone is feeling the pressure, and the gap has been harder to fill.
Bosco needs your help. Did you know that you can receive a charitable donation receipt for a donation of $30 or more? Even a small donation will go a long way to support the good work that we have done for almost 60 years!
You can donate in the following ways:
1. Interac E-Transfer through Online Banking
Send e-transfers to
This is camp’s preferred method for receiving donations as there is no cost for us to accept Interac E-Transfers.
If your donation is over $30, please send us the name and address we should use for your charitable donation receipt in the comments field of your e-transfer. If you do not provide a name and address, we may not be able to reach you to issue a receipt.
2. By credit card through PayPal
Don’t use PayPal? That’s okay! You can make a donation via credit card without a PayPal account!
For donations over $30, your charitable donation receipt will be mailed to the name/address indicated in your PayPal account. Please ensure this is correct or indicate an alternate address in the special instructions.
3. By cheque
Make cheques payable to St. John Bosco Camp. For donations over $30, your charitable donation receipt will be mailed to the name/address indicated on the cheque unless otherwise specified. Cheques can be mailed directly to our year-round office.